This will save times and prevent the wastages of materials. When the contractors want to construct drainage, site surveyors will do levelling and contractors can based on the data collected to give quotation. Fourthly, fly levelling can provide information about the distances and the height of the site by using the data collected. Levelling also helps the construction engineer and contractor in executing all such jobs. Levelling is importance in acquiring data for the design of a wide variety of civil engineering works such as highways, railways, damns, canals, tunnels, irrigation and drainage works.

Thirdly, fly levelling is to determine the differences in elevation between points on the earth’s surface.

It is used in surveying to establish the elevation of a point relative to a datum or to establish a point at a given elevation relative to a datum. Secondly, to determine the height of one level relative to another. However great care has to be taken for selecting the change points and for taking reading on the change points because the accuracy of levelling depends upon these. In this method only backsight and foresight are taken. Objective The purpose of fly levelling is to check the values of the reduced levels of the bench marks already fixed. At the end of the day the surveyors comes back to original bench mark. All works are done with respect to temporary BM. The surveyor starts by taking back sight at bench mark and proceed towards worksite till the finds a suitable place for temporary BM. 1.1 DEFENISI ILMU UKUR TANAH (SURVEYING) Ilmu ukur tanah adalah cabang dari ilmu Geodesi yang khusus mempelajari sebagian kecil dari permukaan bumi dengan cara melakukan pengukuran- pengukuran guna mendapatkan peta. Fly levelling performed when work site is very far away from the bench mark. Thus the difference between fly levelling and differential levelling is only in the purpose of levelling. This type of levelling in which only back sight and fore sights are taken, is called fly levelling, the purpose being to connect a benchmark with a temporary benchmark or vice versa. At the end of the work again levelling is carried out by taking a set of convenient change points till the bench work is reached. Rest of the levelling work is carried out in the site. Then he proceeds towards the site by taking fore sights and back sights on a number of change points till he establishes a temporary benchmark in the site. If the work site is away from the benchmark, surveyor starts the work with a back sight on the benchmark by setting instrument at a convenient point.

In this levelling only back sight and fore sight readings are taken and auto level is moved strictly on the line joining benchmark and starting point of survey line. It is a levelling that is done to connect benchmark to the starting point of the survey line. In this method a line of levels is run to determine approximately reduced levels of the points carried out with more rapidly and less precision. The reduce value was 42,888 m2 to 28, 326 m2 or in percent the systematic errors reduced was 33,95 %.Introduction Fly levelling is a very approximate form of levelling in which sights are taken as large as possible.

Systematic errors reduced was defined as reducing area which made by unreferenced opened traverse coordinates and it one with treatment to closure traverse. TEORI DASAR PENGUKURAN TANAH ( LAND SURVEYING ) PENDAHULUAN. The both computation result show that the treatment done able to reduce similar nomenclature coordinates deviation of unreferenced opened traverse to closure traverse. Kenapa Geomatik, Bukan Ukur Tanah Kenapa Geomatik, Bukan Ukur Tanah Nazirah Binti Mohamad Abdullah, Rodzah Binti Hj. Geometric approach as treatment was given in four points of unreferenced opened traverse by reading ruler marks, horizontal, and vertical angels which referenced to prior point and prior one with defined interval. Definisi Ilmu Ukur Tanah (Surveying) PROGRAM STUDI TEKNIK SIPIL I-1 Pusat Pengembangan Bahan Ajar - POLIBAN SALMANI SALEH ILMU UKUR TANAH Pendahuluan 1.1. The objectives of this research are (1) Define procedure in unreferenced opened traverse in order that it may be corrected and (2) Predict similar nomenclature coordinates deviation value of unreferenced opened traverse and unreferenced one with treatments. The surveyor often apply unreferenced opened traverse method in basic framework surveying defined, especially, surveying which emphasized in long trace surveying.